In the year 2011, the Lord called messengers Simon Kwabla Ocloo – Eyram and Gabriel Bensah to undertake the 1st iniquity bearing for the nation Ghana from 1st – 14th January 2012 (Refer to page one of the website).

Four and a half years down the line the sins of the nation of God’s choice – Ghana stare in the eyes of the Most High God. In His mercy and compassion He summoned His team of messengers to undertake a 2nd iniquity bearing for the nation in line with Ezekiel 4:1-17. This lasted for 14 days – 1st – 14th June 2016.

The pattern did not change. For the 1st – 7th June the team lied down facing the northern sector of the nation praying for forgiveness for the sins of bloodshed while mentioning all other sins. The team prayed for 7 hours a day while bearing excruciating pain and agony as the punishment that should have come upon the nation was being released upon them.

From the 8th -14th June, the team lied on one side facing the southern sector to bear the iniquity of the people of the sector. The team prayed and asked for forgiveness for the sin of idolatry which the Lord identified as predominant. All other sins were also acknowledged and prayed for.

The South was reminded of all the blessings that the Lord spoke about in the 1st iniquity bearing. It was not by might nor by power, it was by the grace of God.

Ultimately, the Northern sector was redeemed from the consequence/curse/filth of blood guiltiness. The dignity of a land and people whose sins have been forgiven was graciously released upon the North. The presence of God was invoked upon the whole land of Northern Ghana after cleansing with water, blood of Jesus Christ and purifying with fire.

The South was also redeemed, having been cleansed of the filth, contamination, pollution, defilement etc. the sector was awash with the dignity of a land and people whose sins of idolatry etc have been forgiven.

A blood siege was laid around the entire nation to prevent even the arrows of the Egyptian, Assyrian and the Babylonian from entering the land of Ghana.


From 15th to 21st June, the Lord further instructed the team to “Call the North and the South to uphold the dignity that was released into them during the 14 days of iniquity bearing”. The team prayed this prayer fervently morning and evening for 7 days.


On the 22nd June, the Lord further called on His team “to call the north and the south one after the other and speak to them to uphold the dignity that was planted into them and declare to each of them “never, never, never again should they go back to the old sins i.e. Bloodshed and Idolatry for the north and south respectively – Joshua 6:26.

As we post this end time prophetic prayer chain on the website – the people of the nation are WARNED to shun sin in all its forms, shades and ramifications to avoid the wrath of the Most High God.


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