The divine prayer direction received from the throne of God by the Team God’s Mandate for the month of December 2019 is – “controlling the heavenly bodies”, says the Lord.
Obviously the heavenlies are being saturated by satanic agenda since the years is ending. This is buttressed by the fact that on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 during the early morning prayer ran by the team, the Lord further enriched the prayer topic to equip the team to deal with the heavenlies appropriately.
“Silence every satanic mission released into the heavenlies. They must be silenced. Let their mission not be accomplished. Take the dominion and rule over the heavenlies” says the Lord.
Again, just on the 4th when the moon has turned the 1st quarter, the Lord again repeated this prayer directive, “pray controlling all the lunar circle” says the Lord.
For the benefit of all Christians the lunar circle for the month of December is as follows:
New Moon —– November 26, commencing at 15:06 hrs
1st Quarter Moon —- December 4th commencing at 06:58
Full Moon —- December 12th commencing at 05:13
Last Quarter Moon —- December 19th commencing at 04:58
New Moon —- December 26th commencing at 05:14
Let us use one only scripture to give you a picture of what the satanic priests programme into this circle to control and rule over the undiscerning Christians and world.
Amos 8:4-8a says “hear this you who swallow up the needy and make the poor of the land fall, saying: –
“when will the New moon be passed that we may sell grain? And the sabbath that we may trade wheat? Making the ephah small and the shekle large, falsifying the scales by deceit that we may buy the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals – even sell the bad wheat? ……. Shall the land not tremble for this and every one mourns who dwell in it?”
Brethren and sisters in Christ every form of cheating fraud over invoicing under invoicing and all manipulation in the marketplace are programmed into the heavenly bodies through this lunar circle. Satanic priests/agents minister enchantment into the sun moon stars and their constellations and other cosmic bodies to dominate the world and rule over all lands and peoples.
Why would you not rise up in fervency to operate in the heavenlies controlling and ruling over these heavenly bodies, silencing every satanic mission being released into the heavenlies declaring that their mission should not be accomplished; praying and controlling all the lunar circle as directed from the throne of Grace?
- Be encouraged that God has made you to have dominion over the works of His hands; He has put all things under your feet, all sheep and oxen even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea that passed through the paths of the seas – Psalm 8: 6 – 8. Works of God’s hand include the sun the moon stars and host of heavens.
- The authority and Dominionship is further insulated in the fact that you are a joint heir with Christ. “The spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” Romans 8:16 – 17. Control and rule over the heavenly bodies is yours.
- Be emboldened to pray because “God has put His word in your mouth and has covered you with the Shadow of his hand that he may plant the heavens, lay the foundation of the Earth” Isaiah 51:16.
- Pray and ask for forgiveness for anything in your life that will hinder your prayer from being received at the throne of Grace.
- Thank God for His grace of forgiveness that if only you humble yourself and ask for forgiveness, he is ready to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
- Pray in the name of Jesus Christ presenting yourself before the Most High God in the third heaven which is the dwelling place of God and His throne-2Corinthians 12: 2.
- Ask for fresh authority and power to be released upon you from the throne of Grace and the zeal to pray fervently.
- Pray and dominate the first heavens that house the stars moon sun and other cosmic bodies – Genesis 1:14 – 16; Psalm 103:19.
- Exercise power authority and dominion over these heavenly bodies sun moon stars etc. and declare them bound up within the confines of the mandate for which they have been created.
- As you control them, command them that from henceforth they are mandated to be responsible for the following:
- To give lights in the firmament of heaven
- To divide day from the night
- To be for signs and seasons
- To be for days and years ……………….. GENESIS 1:14
- To give lights on the Earth …………… GENESIS 1:15
- To rule the day and the night …………GENESIS 1:17
- To show God’s hand work and to declare his glory ……. psalm 148: 3; Psalm 19: 1-2
- Declare to these elements or heavenly bodies that according to the word of God in Jeremiah 31:35-36, the ordinance/mandate of God listed above are supposed to be permanent features.
“Thus says the lord, who gives the sun for light by day, the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who disturbs the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of host is His name. If those ordinances depart from before me says the Lord then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me forever.”
Note: let us remind ourselves of Ephesians 6 :12:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers Against the rulers of the darkness of this age Against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
These spirits dwell in the second heaven and manipulate the heavenly bodies to receive worship and to suppress the world or the earth.
- Declare unto the heavenly bodies that as per the Lord’s ordinance for their operation they do not serve as a repository for satanic programming/agenda against the children of God.
- Exercise power, authority and dominion over the second heavens and declare the principalities, powers, rulers and spiritual host of wickedness arrested and bound up in the everlasting chain of the Most High God.
- Declare unto the spirits in the second heaven that “the heaven even the heavens are the Lord’s; but the Earth He has given to the children of men” Psalm 115: 16.
- Declare to them that God in heaven prohibits the worship of anything in heaven – Exodus 20 :1 – 5.
- That the worship of the sun, moon and the hosts of heaven on earth attracted death penalty – Deuteronomy 17: 2-5 and banned – Deuteronomy 4:19. It is also interpreted as denying God.
- As you are in control of the heavenlies pray in line with Jeremiah 8:2 that love that is offered to the sun, the moon and all the host of heaven should turn into hatred.
- Pray that the moon should smite them by night and the sun by day.
- Declare all service to the heavenly bodies null and void.
- Take control over the whole of the lunar circle and release frustration into the gates and declare that their missions shall not be accomplished.
- Declare those who walk through the lunar circle to defraud, cheat and dominate the marketplace should be exposed by the heavens while the earth produces them.
- Call on the darkness that Moses called the heavens to release on Egypt to engulf all iniquity being released into the heavenlies by the stargazers, prognosticators, diviners, sorcerers, magicians etc.
- Declare unto the elements never to receive or reply to any satanic programming by the forces of wickedness.
- By the token of the blood of Jesus Christ wipe away the handwriting of ordinances programmed into the sun, the moon, the stars and their constellations.
- Pray and retrieve all properties that have been dedicated to the elements.
- As the year draws to an end the marketplace will be flooded with items dedicated to the sun moon stars etc. Pray in the name of Jesus to reverse and declare nullified every dedication and satanic missions being released through the lunar circle.
- Pray and take control and programme the will and purposes of God into the heavens and command the elements to declare only the glory of God over the lands and people of the world – Psalm 19: 1 – 2.
- Proclaim the glory of the sun, moon and stars upon your life. – 1Cor 15: 41.
- Claim your portion of the fruit that is yielded monthly by the tree of Life – Revelations 22: 2
To God be the Glory.
The Team God’s Mandate handles your personal challenges.
On December 11, 2019 at 7:57 pm
Well noted. Will try to follow. Thanks