“The nation Ghana is provoking My wrath. If My wrath is aroused, there will be no peace in the nation. Let the nation take a queue, from what is happening in the nations around. I AM WARNING THE NATION. I remind the nation that, when David disobeyed My instruction, by counting the warring men of Israel contrary to My directive, I brought down to him – David the King, three judgments to choose one of them. His choice to:

14Fall into the hand of the Lord; for His mercies are great ……….” led to the release of a plaque which caused “15 ………. the death of Seventy thousand men”    –    2 Samuel 24:10-15.

The people of the nation Ghana have taken My grace for granted, in particular those who are called by My name. They are condoning and conniving the evil deeds of the peoples of the nation.


Those called the voice, are leading My people astray. Truth is no more found in their mouth. They have sold their birth right to the things of the world.

Soon I will descend on them. Let them ignore My warning and I will do it. They worship me with their mouth but their hearts are far from Me,” says the Lord.

“Tell the nation to amend their ways and I will receive them graciously. It is not My heart’s desire to destroy,” says the Lord.

Received by the Team Gods Mandate on the 9th August, 2023 between the hours of 12noon – 1 pm.

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  • The Team God’s Mandate:- Changing Lives, Taking Territories, Transforming Nations, With The Prophetic message of Jesus Crucified For Mankind.

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