“The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever” Revelation 11:15

On the 4th May 2016, between the hours of 12noon and 1pm the Most High God instructed His team to “take dominion over every form of rising storm especially an uprising in Guatamela.

For one hour the team took dominion over all forms of rising storm – spiritual, atmospheric storms, human uprising including military adventurism and industrial/labor uprising as well as opposition agitations against duly elected governments. Even though dominion was taken globally prayer was focused on Guatamela.

The Most High God who knows the hearts and the minds of all men inspired his team to declare peace and calm to every storm rising in the heart and minds of the people of Guatamela. Indeed peace through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was released to swallow up every wrathful situation rising up in the hearts and minds of all the people of Guatamela. The whole atmosphere over Guatamela was saturated with peace and calm.

We wish to draw the attention of all Guatamelans to God’s mandate for all nations of South America as captured in this website under South America!


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